Sesame Seeds


Sesame Seeds, derived from the Sesamum indicum plant, undergo a meticulous process of cleaning, drying, and hulling to make them suitable for various applications. These small, oil-rich seeds have a wide range of uses in the culinary world. They are commonly used as flavourful toppings for bread, buns, and confectioneries, adding a nutty taste and visual appeal to dishes. Sesame Seeds are also popularly used in the production of oils, condiments, spreads, and tahini paste. Apart from their culinary uses, Sesame Seeds offer a wealth of nutritional value. They are rich in healthy fats, protein, fibre, and essential minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. The presence of vitamins, such as vitamin E and B vitamins, further enhances their nutritional profile. Incorporating Sesame Seeds into a balanced diet contributes to heart health, satiety, and bone strength, making them a valuable addition to a wholesome lifestyle.
